
Monday, November 5, 2012

Cat Editing

My cat helped me with my novel a few weeks ago. This was the line he fixed: Worry tightened inside him. What if it wa/////////////////////////       sdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddy7uuuuuu776ts his house?
Can you imagine how horrendous that line was before he edited it?
In order to make your book the best it can possibly be, you’ll need someone to help. Not that you aren’t awesome and can’t improve it on your own, but sometimes editing requires an extra pair of eyes and an extra brain. (I never would have thought to use a t between the 6 and s—my cat is a genius).
Where can you get good feedback?
(Sorry guys, my cat isn’t starting an editing service anytime soon).
Help can be found in critique groups. Or in writing websites. Or professional editors. There are pros and cons to each area. I’ll dedicate a blog entry to each of them. I’ll talk about how to find them, what to look out for, and how to have the best experience.
So stay tuned for more.
Happy Writing


  1. That's hilarious. So sad I can't hire your cat. . .


    Konstanz Silverbow

  2. Cute post. Cats do like repetition. Happy editing.

  3. That picture is adorable. At the moment, one of my cats is standing between me and the monitor, swishing her tail in my face, and the other is sitting on top on my printer. Alas, neither of them can edit worth a darn.

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